Venz‘s vivid, spontaneous and touching palette shows emotional states, moods and depth of sensuality in a very expressive and clear way. His canvasses please the audience‘s eyes with the abundance of rich colours, great sense of colour balance and confident handwork with the brushes. Looking at his paintings, the curious viewer can find with ever growing amazement the echoes of the magnificent Nature, themes of bohemian lifestyles, and the happy memories from conversations over enchanted and delightful topics from one‘s youth. Subjects of his paintings seem to be distant and blurred, made to appear almost magical in their discrete manner, but they capture the poetic MOMENTS of life, reaching for one‘s true and sacred feelings. Venz‘s art reminds us of a sudden still moment, left after an intimate party or a time spent with good friends, like in a dream - it leaves us in a state of excitement of a shared past. Sometimes it is whimsical, sometimes nostalgic, but always happily joyful - these paintings reach inward to the core of our human emotions. And, like in life itself, they follow the rhythm of our hearts.
SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS: 1987-Levsky, Bulgaria, paintings, print graphics, 1989-Sofia,Bulgaria,print graphics, 1989-Vienna, Austria, print graphics, 1989-Kirchdorf, Austria, Print graphics, 1991-Klaus, Austria, paintings, drawings, 1993-Kirchdorf, Austria, watercolours, 1995-Bianca‘s, NFLD, Canada, paintings, 2004-Artguys Gallery, Ottawa, painting
SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS: ‘Selection 2011‘, Orleans, Canada, ‘Ten Graphic Artists‘, Kleine Gallery, Vienna, Austria, National Biennale ‘Illustration‘, Sofia, Bulgaria, International Biennale of Poster Art, Sofia, ‘Annual Show for Miniature Print Art‘, Toronto, Canada, International Exhibition ‘Ecology‘, Sofia, International Cartoon Contest, Montreal, Canada, ‘Young Printmakers‘, Sofia, National Exhibition ‘Drawing‘, Sofia, International Cartoon Contest, Knoke Heist, Belgium, ‘Satirical Drawings‘, Istanbul, Turkey, Umuri Newspaper Contest, Tokyo, Japan, ‘Graphics and Cartoons‘, Tolentino, Italy, ‘Satirical Graphics‘, Havana, Cuba, Cartoon Contest, Guadalajara, Mexico, Graphic Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, ‘Satirical Graphics‘, Belgrade, Serbia and many more...
AWARDS: 1984-Honorary Achievement Award at the International Umuri Contest, Tokyo, Japan, 1986 - Annual Award for Editorial poster for weekly ‘Pulse‘, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1988-Third Prize for a satirical poster ‘Ecology‘, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1989-First Prize of FEB, Sci-Fi magazine Annual Print Graphic Competition, Sofia, 1989-First Prize for a poster at the International Biennale ‘Ecology‘, Sofia, 1990-Honorary Award at the National ‘Illustration and Book Design‘ Exhibition, Sofia, Bulgaria